Учредитель и издатель ФГБНУ "РосНИИПМ"
Мелиорация и гидротехника Melioraciâ i gidrotehnika
ISSN 2712-9357

Current research

The online publication "Land Reclamation and Hydraulic Engineering" is registered with the Federal Service for Supervision in the Field of Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Communications as a mass media El No. FS77-81585 from 03.08.2021 (until 03.08.2021, the name of the online publication "Scientific Journal of Russian Scientific Research Institute of Land Improvement Problems", ISSN 2222-1816, established on October 1, 2010).

The Journal aims to create conditions for rapid consideration, high-quality scientific expertise and preparation of previously unpublished scientific articles for publication.  

The mission of the Journal  is the comprehensive assistance in dealing with land reclamation problems by publishing original research articles which significantly contribute to the advancement of knowledge and improvement of understanding the current problems of the meliorative sector of agro-industrial complex

The scientific journal publishes original scientific articles on the results of scientific research on land reclamation, water management and agrophysics, general agriculture and crop science, hydraulic engineering, hydraulics and engineering hydrology.

The objective of the Journal is to promote scientific knowledge exchange of Russian and foreign scientists and to inform specialists and public on scientific and practical results of scientific research.

The target audience of the Journal comprises researchers, faculty, postgraduate and undergraduate students, policy-makers, businessmen, expert community, and others who are interested in land reclamation problems

The publication of articles in our Journal gives the authors the opportunity to integrate the obtained research results into the international scientific and information space.

Date of issue 21.05.2024
  • Publications in issue: 15
  • 21.05.2024