Founder and publisher – Russian Scientific Research Institute of Land Improvement Problems
Land Reclamation and Hydraulic Engineering Melioraciâ i gidrotehnika
ISSN 2712-9357



Purpose: formation of a goal function system for climatic risks compensation of crop cultivation at the integrated use of hydrotechnical reclamation. 

Materials and methods. The research methodology is based on the assumption that it is possible to compensate for the detrimental effect of the climatic factor on agricultural crops, at least in the range where this effect is irreversible and is not compensated by the inner plant defenses. 

Results. The wording translating the concept of “climatic risks” in relation to the tasks being solved in the study has been clarified by research. The concept extends to agricultural crops, characterizes climatic deviations that are realized with a certain probability and frequency, only those climatic risks the destructive effect of which can be compensated by using various hydro-reclamation technologies are considered. At this stage, atmospheric frosts, soil temperature drops outside the plant adaptation area, soil temperature rises outside the plant adaptation area, and air drought are considered as risk-bearing climatic factors. For these factors, goal functions to compensate for the climatic risks of crop cultivation have been developed. Objective functions determine the minimum, sufficient and excessive level of the regulator's action to compensate for the detrimental effect of the climatic factor, realized at the level of climate risk. Known or derived hydro-reclamation technologies adapted to the conditions of the problem being solved are used as a regulator. 

Conclusions. Objective functions to determine the optimal level of regulator action to compensate for the climatic risks of agricultural crops cultivation through the integrated use of hydrotechnical reclamation have been developed.

doi: 10.31774/2712-9357-2022-12-4-67-85


climatic factor, climatic risk, irrigation, agricultural crops, risk compensation, hydrotechnical technologies, goal functions

For quoting

Lytov M. N. Goal functions for climate risk compensation of crop cultivation at the integrated hydrotechnical reclamation use. Land Reclamation and Hydraulic Engineering. 2022;12(4):67–85. (In Russ.).


M. N. Lytov – Leading Researcher, Acting Director of the Branch, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor, Volgograd branch of A. N. Kostyakov All-Russian Research Institute for Hydraulic Engineering and Land Reclamation, Volgograd, Russian Federation,


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