Founder and publisher – Russian Scientific Research Institute of Land Improvement Problems
Land Reclamation and Hydraulic Engineering Melioraciâ i gidrotehnika
ISSN 2712-9357



Purpose: improving the methodology for creating reclamation systems based on a synthesis of the existing experience of their operation and the use of the latest scientific and technological achievements. 

Materials and methods. When conducting research, the provisions of the Food Security Doctrine of the Russian Federation determining the requirements for the land reclamation development in the Russian Federation were used. The regulatory documents regulating the land reclamation systems activities, as well as scientific, technical, software, patent and other developments of the Russian Scientific Research Institute of Land Improvement Problems constituted a methodological basis. 

Results. A methodology for creating modern land reclamation systems, focused on solving the precision farming problems by using the latest scientific and technological achievements is proposed. The system-wide features of land reclamation systems requiring consideration in their creation and operation are identified. It is determined that modern projects of land reclamation systems should include the development of engineering and reclamation, technical, information technological, energy-saving, organizational, regulatory and other types of provisions. At the same time, engineering and reclamation support should be focused on solving the problems of precision farming associated with the use of reclamation technologies, and contribute to solving the problems of technical implementation of these systems and organizing water use for them. It is noted that the development of these support should be carried out in a single information space using a system approach. The work scope recommended for implementation when creating each of these types of support is formulated, a number of practical developments implementing them are proposed. 

Conclusions. The proposed methodology is aimed at creating modern reclamation systems focused on solving the problems of precision farming. It includes the stages of their creation, the work scope at these stages as well as examples of new technical solutions used.

DOI: 10.31774/2222-1816-2020-3-170-188


precision farming; reclamation systems; features; stages of creation; methodology; means and technologies; engineering solutions.

For quoting

Shchedrin, V. N. Approaches to the formation of principles of creating modern reclamation systems and objects / V. N. Shchedrin, V. I. Korzhov, A. A. Belousov // Scientific Journal of Russian Scientific Research Institute of Land Improvement Problems [Electronic resource]. – 2020. – № 3(39). – P. 170–188. – Mode of access: – DOI: 10.31774/2222-1816-2020-3-170-188. 


Shchedrin Vyacheslav Nikolayevich

Degree: Doctor of Technical Sciences 

Title: Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor 

Position: Chief Researcher 

Affiliation: Russian Scientific Research Institute of Land Improvement Problems 

Affiliation address: Baklanovsky ave., 190, Novocherkassk, Rostov region, Russian Federation, 346421


Korzhov Viktor Ivanovich

Degree: Candidate of Technical Sciences

Title: Professor

Position: Chief Specialist

Affiliation: Russian Scientific Research Institute of Land Improvement Problems

Affiliation address: Baklanovsky ave., 190, Novocherkassk, Rostov region, Russian Federation, 346421


Belousov Andrey Andreyevich

Position: Postgraduate Student 

Affiliation: Russian Scientific Research Institute of Land Improvement Problems

Affiliation address: Baklanovsky ave., 190, Novocherkassk, Rostov region, Russian Federation, 346421



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