Founder and publisher – Russian Scientific Research Institute of Land Improvement Problems
Land Reclamation and Hydraulic Engineering Melioraciâ i gidrotehnika
ISSN 2712-9357



Purpose: to analyze the results of experiments on the use of irrigation regimes and methods when cultivating corn in different climatic and soil conditions.

Discussion. The overview of research works devoted to the study of irrigation methods and regimes for cultivating corn for grain on various types of soil in a number of regions of the Russian Federation and other countries, including former Soviet republics is presented. It has been determined that irrigating corn increases yields by 2–3 times. The optimal level of soil moisture in the root layer is approximately 70–80 % of the minimum moisture capacity. The most advanced technology of irrigation reclamation when cultivating corn for grain is drip irrigation, which allows soil cultivation be carried out simultaneously with irrigation at the optimal time, preventing soil erosion, and meeting the needs of plants for water and nutrients as accurately as possible. When growing corn on heavy soils, chieseling has a positive effect, which can increase the yield by 24 % compared to the traditional technology of basic tillage, which involves plowing to a depth of 30 cm.

Conclusions: in the process of developing an irrigation regime when growing corn for grain, it is necessary to take into account the crop biological features, climatic and soil conditions of the area, the degree of drainage and water supply of the territory.

doi: 10.31774/2712-9357-2023-13-4-281-294


corn for grain, yield, irrigation regime, growing season, drip irrigation, water consumption

For quoting

Monastyrskiy V. A., Tishchenko Ya. S. The influence of irrigation reclamation during corn growing. Land Reclamation and Hydraulic Engineering. 2023;13(4):281–294. (In Russ.).


V. A. Monastyrskiy – Senior Researcher, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Russian Scientific Research Institute of Land Improvement Problems, Novocherkassk, Russian Federation,,;

Yа. S. Tishchenko – Junior Researcher, Postgraduate Student, Russian Scientific Research Institute of Land Improvement Problems, Novocherkassk, Russian Federation,,


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