Founder and publisher – Russian Scientific Research Institute of Land Improvement Problems
Land Reclamation and Hydraulic Engineering Melioraciâ i gidrotehnika
ISSN 2712-9357



Purpose: to perform diagnostics using non-destructive testing devices for reinforced concrete lining and soil foundation of the Kryukovskoe reservoir dam for its technical condition assessment.

Materials and methods. The materials for the study were the data of a visual survey of the Kryukovskoe reservoir, the hazardous areas, where the instrumental control by non-destructive methods was performed, were identified. Later the hazardous areas were examined in detail for the presence of defects and damage. In the course of research, an instrumental survey of the reinforced concrete lining of the Kryukovskoe reservoir was carried out in problem areas 12 km long by the Oko-3 georadar. When processing the obtained data, there is a possibility of three-dimensional visualization of the parameters of the medium under study and the attributes of the wave field. At the same time, the soil foundation of the dam was surveyed by a high-frequency detector Nokta Invenio Smart, in real time using the functions of a geoscanner, a three-dimensional model of the studied section of the soil foundation is modelled, displaying the geometric characteristics of hidden cavities and soil softening.

Results. Diagnostics of the technical condition of the reinforced concrete lining and soil foundation of the dam of the Kryukovskoe reservoir was performed. The abutments of earthen structures to concrete ones, the state of temperature-settlement joints of concrete and reinforced concrete structures that could affect stability were examined. Radargrams of soil foundation subsidence locations, formed as a result of the accident and removed during the dam reconstruction, were obtained.

Conclusions. On the basis of the conducted studies it was defined that the reinforced concrete lining of the reservoir dam is, in general, in a satisfactory condition and serves its functional purpose. Diagnostics of the dam foundation showed the need to strengthen the stability of the structure.

doi: 10.31774/2712-9357-2023-13-3-220-236


flood wall, reservoir, reliability, technical condition, non-destructive control methods, georadar, high-frequency detector

For quoting

Bandurin M. A., Prikhodko I. A., Volosukhin V. A., Rudenko A. A. Diagnostics using non-destructive testing devices for reinforced concrete lining and soil foundation to assess the technical condition of the dam of the Kryukovskoe reservoir. Land Reclamation and Hydraulic Engineering. 2023;13(3):220–236. (In Russ.).


M. A. Bandurin – Dean of the Faculty of Hydroreclamation, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Kuban State Agrarian University named after I. T. Trubilin, Krasnodar, Russian Federation,

I. A. Prikhodko – Head of the Department of Construction and Operation of Water Management Facilities, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Kuban State Agrarian University named after I. T. Trubilin, Krasnodar, Russian Federation,

V. A. Volosukhin – Professor of the Department of Strength of Materials, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Kuban State Agrarian University named after I. T. Trubilin, Krasnodar, Russian Federation,

A. A. Rudenko – Postgraduate Student, Kuban State Agrarian University named after I. T. Trubilin, Krasnodar, Russian Federation,


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