Founder and publisher – Russian Scientific Research Institute of Land Improvement Problems
Land Reclamation and Hydraulic Engineering Melioraciâ i gidrotehnika
ISSN 2712-9357



Purpose: analysis of indicators of water resources (WR) use for withdrawal and losses in federal institutions of the reclamation industry. 

Materials and methods. Materials for analysis of water resources use indicators were provided according to a specially developed table 48 by federal state budgetary institutions “Department of Land Reclamation and Agricultural Water Supply” (FSBI). The data were analyzed in the context of federal districts (FD) and some FSBI. 

Results. It has been determined that, in general, in the Russian Federation in 2021, the volume of water withdrawal into water management systems (WMS) according to the FSBI amounted to 17.6 km³, the volume of losses was 4.4 km³ (25 % of the volume of water withdrawal). The main withdrawal and losses of WR (99 %) took place in three FD: North Caucasus, Southern and Volga FD. The North Caucasian FD is the leader in water withdrawal, its share in the total volume of water withdrawal is 62.5 %, or about 11 km³. Among the FSBI in terms of water withdrawal, the leading position is occupied by five FSBI: Kubanmeliovodkhoz, Department of the Ministry of Meliovodkhoz of the Republic of Dagestan, UEBSK, Stavropolmeliovodkhoz, Rostovmeliovodkhoz. In total, in 2021, they carried out the withdrawal of 12.3 km³ (70 % of the total volume of withdrawn WR). The largest volume of losses was noted in the North Caucasian FD – 2.5 km³. In the context of the FSBI, the largest losses occur at the Minmeliovodkhoz of the Republic of Dagestan and Kubanmeliovodkhoz, which amounted to 0.95 and 0.89 km³ in 2021, or 42 % of the total losses. Compared to 2020, there was an increase in losses by 12 and 41 %, respectively. According to FSBI, the largest share of losses from the volume of water withdrawal was noted in Astrakhanmeliovodkhoz and amounted to 35 %. 

Conclusions. To increase the efficiency of WR use, it is necessary to focus on the analysis of WMS operation in the North Caucasus and Southern FD, in particular, by the largest water users: FSBI “Minmeliovodkhoz of the Republic of Dagestan” and “Kubanmeliovodkhoz”, primarily with the aim of reducing losses when supplying WR to consumers.

doi: 10.31774/2712-9357-2023-13-1-101-117


water resources, water resources withdrawal, water resources loss, water management systems, land reclamation and agricultural water supply departments, irrigation

For quoting

Senchukov G. A., Voyevodina L. A. Water resources use in federal reclamation industry institutions. Land Reclamation and Hydraulic Engineering. 2023;13(1):101–117. (In Russ.).


G. А. Senchukov – Deputy Director for Science in the Field of Water Resources, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Russian Scientific Research Institute of Land Improvement Problems, Novocherkassk, Russian Federation,

L. А. Voyevodinа – Senior Researcher, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Russian Scientific Research Institute of Land Improvement Problems, Novocherkassk, Russian Federation,


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