Founder and publisher – Russian Scientific Research Institute of Land Improvement Problems
Land Reclamation and Hydraulic Engineering Melioraciâ i gidrotehnika
ISSN 2712-9357



Purpose: to develop and justify methodological approaches to planning and forecasting the future needs of the agricultural sector of the regional economy in the demanded human capacity. 

Materials and methods. The methodological research tool is based on the strategic foresighting technologies, which includes a set of quantitative, qualitative and mixed forecasting methods. The methodology and computational and analytical tools for planning and forecasting the agricultural sector demands in highly qualified staff is based on situational, competence, systemic approaches and contributes to the transition from scenario forecasting to the “triple helix” approach. The agrarian sector of the regional economy was the object of the study. 

Results. The crucial issues of human capital in agriculture in Rostov region are identified and systematized. A methodology for forecasting the staffing needs of the agricultural sector, the key indicators of which are the admission quotas to agricultural educational institutions and the creation of conditions for ensuring the graduate employability has been developed. The methodology assumes not only the development of forecasting staffing in the industry for the medium and long term, but also their annual adjustment based on the real needs of agricultural producers, taking into account the competence approach, the level of investment activity in the industry and the scale of the material and technical base renewal. 

Conclusions. It has been proven that the key purpose of foresighting technologies is to build a promising model of human capital of the industry, taking into account the needs of agricultural producers and the capabilities of agricultural educational institutions. It is substantiated that the proposed methodology will contribute to the creation of a system of objective state regulation of higher and extended agricultural education at the regional level. 

doi: 10.31774/2712-9357-2021-11-3-248-269


agriculture, staff, forecasting, strategic foresighting, agricultural education, labor market

For quoting

Kholodova M. A. Strategic foresighting as a justification tool for staffing needs of agricultural sector of the region // Land Reclamation and Hydraulic Engineering [Electronic resource]. 2021. Vol. 11, no 3. P. 248–269. URL: (date of access: 18.08.2021). doi:10.31774/2712-9357-2021-11-3-248-269


M. A. Kholodova – Head of the Department of Economics and Standards, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Federal Rostov Agricultural Research Centre, Rassvet, Russian Federation, 


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