Founder and publisher – Russian Scientific Research Institute of Land Improvement Problems
Land Reclamation and Hydraulic Engineering Melioraciâ i gidrotehnika
ISSN 2712-9357



Purpose: to study the safety properties of water wells operation for high-quality water supply of rural communities and agricultural enterprises. 

Materials and methods: the study was carried out using the categorical-system method “information criteria row”. The object of study is the safety property of water wells operation. The subject of the study is the qualitative criteria of this property. The study is based on the analysis of the existing negative situation with groundwater intakes (water wells) in rural communities and agricultural enterprises of Omsk region. The study of the operation safety properties will extend the life of water wells. Maintaining the existing fund of existing wells is one of the effective ways to provide high-quality water supply to rural communities and agricultural enterprises.

Results: as a result of the study, it was found that the knowledge of this property is 41.3 %. The lowest rating was given to the research information areas: normative (6 %), design and construction (7 %) and resource (16 %). Special, primary attention is required by the information component of the property, which includes the following criteria: operating standards, legal base; design solutions and their implementation during construction. 

Conclusions: the application of the “information criteria row” method allowed expressing quantitatively the knowledge of the qualitative properties and, taking into account various combinations of information criteria, identifying the primary tasks in maintaining the existing water well fund as one of the effective ways of supplying rural communities and agricultural enterprises.

DOI: 10.31774/2222-1816-2020-3-207-223


water well; safety; exploitation; water supply of rural communities; agricultural enterprises. 

For quoting

Kondratyeva, T. L. Water well fund preservation as one of the ways of qualitative water supply of rural communities and agricultural enterprises / T. L. Kondratyeva, V. V. Popova // Scientific Journal of Russian Scientific Research Institute of Land Improvement Problems [Electronic resource]. – 2020. – № 3(39). – P. 207–223. – Mode of access: – DOI: 10.31774/2222-1816-2020-3-207-223.


Kondratyeva Tatyana Leonidovna

Position: Graduate Student

Affiliation: Omsk State Agrarian University named after P. A. Stolypin

Affiliation address: Institutskaya square, 1, Omsk, Russian Federation, 644008 


Popova Valentina Vladimirovna

Position: Graduate Student

Affiliation: Omsk State Agrarian University named after P. A. Stolypin

Affiliation address: Institutskaya square, 1, Omsk, Russian Federation, 644008 



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