Founder and publisher – Russian Scientific Research Institute of Land Improvement Problems
Land Reclamation and Hydraulic Engineering Melioraciâ i gidrotehnika
ISSN 2712-9357



Purpose: substantiation of soil water regime while growing planting material for Kodryanka grapes, which ensures maximum survivability of grape cuttings and the yield of standard seedlings while saving all types of resources.
Materials and methods. Cuttings were planted in an earthen ridge (technology A) and a furrow (technology B), drip irrigation – according to three options with a differentiated threshold and a depth of moistening at 80 % minimum water capacity in a layer of 0.0–0.6 m (A1), 80–70 % of minimum water capacity (А2) in the layer of 0.4–0.6 m and 90–70 % of minimum water capacity in the same layer (A3). Fertilizer schemes – the main application of P60K60 into the soil with six-fold fertigation with nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizer (V1), soaking of cuttings in the root formation stimulator (V2), foliage applications (V3).
Results. When planting cuttings in ridges (technology A) with the application of mineral fertilizers, drip application at the level of 80 % of minimum water capacity in a layer of 0.0–0.6 m, fertigation N120Р30, the total water consumption of the grape nursery garden was 5457 m³ per ha with an irrigation rate of 3430 m³ per ha, the survivability of grape cuttings is 63.6 % with a yield of standard seedlings of 34.2 %. The application of differentiated irrigation depths of 0.0–0.4 and 0.0–0.6 m and an increase in the pre-irrigation soil moisture threshold to 90 % of minimum water capacity against the background of the application of Ruter Bio and Reasil contributed to an increase in total water consumption to 6127 m³ per ha with a norm of 4100 m³ per ha and increase the survivability of grape cuttings to 82.4 % with the yield of standard seedlings at the level of 62.2 %. When planting cuttings in ridges (technology B) with drip irrigation at the level of 80 % of minimum water capacity in a layer of 0.0–0.6 m and the basic level of fertigation, the total water consumption in the nursery garden was 5287 m³ per ha with an irrigation rate of 3260 m³ per ha, the survival rate of grape cuttings was 67.1 % with an yield of standard seedlings of 38.5 %.
Conclusions. The increase of soil moisture threshold to 90 % of minimum water capacity in the initial period of growth and applying the differentiated depth of the moistened soil layer (technology B) using agrochemicals ensured the survivability of grape cuttings at 84.1 % with a yield of standard seedlings of 63.3 %.

DOI: 10.31774/2222-1816-2020-2-88-104


grape root seedlings, drip irrigation, irrigation rate, irrigation regime, total water consumption of the grape nursery garden, technological scheme for planting

For quoting

Water consumption of vine nursery garden at different planting technologies / A. S. Ovchinnikov, S. M. Grigorov, M. V. Ratanov, D. A. Keller // Scientific Journal of Russian Scientific Research Institute of Land Improvement Problems [Electronic resource]. – 2020. – № 2(38). – P. 88–104. – Mode of access: – DOI: 10.31774/2222-1816-2020-2-88-104.


Degree: Doctor of Agricultural Sciences

Title: Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor 

Position: Head of Department

Affiliation: Volgograd State Agricultural University 

Affiliation address: Universitetsky ave., 26, Volgograd, Russian Federation, 400002


Academic degree: Doctor of Technical Sciences

Academic title: Professor

Affiliation: Volgograd State Agricultural University, Volgograd, Russian Federation

Position: Head of the Department «Land Reclamation and Environmental Engineering»

Contact telephone number: 8 (8442) 41-81-78


Position: Senior Lecturer

Affiliation: Volgograd State Agricultural University 

Affiliation address: Universitetsky ave., 26, Volgograd, Russian Federation, 400002 



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