Founder and publisher – Russian Scientific Research Institute of Land Improvement Problems
Land Reclamation and Hydraulic Engineering Melioraciâ i gidrotehnika
ISSN 2712-9357



Purpose: to improve the methodology for choosing grain harvesters for a given cereal crops yield and optimal harvesting conditions.
Materials and methods. The improvement of the methodology for choosing grain harvesters was based on the recommendations by V. E. Berdyshev, G. N. Erokhin, E. V. Zhalnin, S. G. Lomakin, G. G. Maslov, S. M. Penkin, V. F. Fedorenko, G. E. Chepurin and other scientists using the basic technical characteristics of modern combine harvesters and reapers for harvesting Severodonetsk Jubilee variety winter wheat in a number of farms in the north-west of Volgograd region.
Results. It is proposed to select grain harvesters step by step. At the first stage it is recommended to calculate the actual cereal crops feeding to the combine thresher for threshing the crop, taking into account its straw content. The straw content of winter wheat varies from average by 20–24 %, with an increase in yield, the difference between the maximum and minimum values decreases. The next stage is to determine the loading efficiency of the thresher with the yield possible in the farm, using the most commonly used reapers, the average speed of the combine and the maximum straw content of the harvested crop. Calculations showed that harvesters of class II should be used with a grain yield of 1 t per ha and a constructive reaper width of 6 and 7 m, respectively class V should be used at 3 t and 6 m per ha, and IX class should be used at 5 t per ha and 6 m. High-performance combines of class IX, equipped with wide reapers (9.1 m), can be effectively used in the recommended speed mode (7.2 km/h) with optimal threshing load with a grain yield of 1–2 t per ha.
Conclusions. The choice of combine harvesters is recommended using the passport thresher capacity by 90–100 %, taking into account the yield of the harvested grain crop and its maximum straw content.

DOI: 10.31774/2222-1816-2020-2-163-178


combine harvester, grain yield, cereal straw content, feeding the grain mass into the combine thresher, thresher capacity, loading efficiency of combine thresher

For quoting

Ryadnov, A. I. Improvement of the methodology for choosing grain harvesters / A. I. Ryadnov, O. A. Fedorova, O. I. Poddubnyy // Scientific Journal of Russian Scientific Research Institute of Land Improvement Problems [Electronic resource]. – 2020. – № 2(38). – P. 163–178. – Mode of access: – DOI: 10.31774/2222-1816-2020-2-163-178.


Degree: Doctor of Agricultural Sciences

Title: Professor

Position: Head of Chair “Operation of the machine and tractor”

Affiliation: Volgograd State Agrarian University

Affiliation address: ave. Universitetskiy, 26, Volgograd, Russian Federation, 400002


Degree: Candidate of Technical Sciences

Title: Associate Professor

Position: Associate Professor

Affiliation: Volgograd State Agrarian University

Affiliation address: ave. Universitetskiy, 26, Volgograd, Russian Federation, 400002


Position: Graduate Student

Affiliation: Volgograd State Agricultural University

Affiliation address: Universitetsky ave., 26, Volgograd, Russian Federation, 400002



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